News & Events

What to Do After an Auto Accident Involving a Pedestrian

Lacking the protection of an enclosed vehicle, pedestrian fatalities in auto accidents are steadily climbing with each passing year. In 2022, pedestrian traffic deaths reached an all-time high of 7,522. Even if you do everything possible to keep yourself safe, this is no match against a careless motorist.  If you...

Auto Insurance Coverage Requirements

If you have fallen victim to a car accident, you probably wonder how much money you can receive from insurance. With every state varying slightly on requiring coverage limits, it is enough to make your head spin. Our Harrisburg personal injury attorneys understand auto insurance coverage in the Keystone State...

How Do You Determine Fault?

Determining who caused your accident or injuries can be complex, requiring convincing evidence. Suppose you have ever suffered a slip and fall, injuries in an auto accident, or suffered at the hands of a physician. In that case, you may be eligible to receive compensation for your expenses. Our Harrisburg...

Dos and Don’ts After a Hit-and-Run Accident

A hit-and-run accident occurs anytime a driver hits another vehicle, pedestrian, or stationary object and flees the scene without helping or exchanging information with others. In Pennsylvania, a driver can be criminally charged for a hit-and-run accident. If found guilty, the driver may face fines and jail time. At Mette...

Elder Law Attorney in Bucks County

As individuals age, they face unique legal challenges that require careful planning and expertise. At Mette, we understand the complexities of elder law and provide comprehensive legal services to seniors and their families in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. What Is Elder Law? Elder law encompasses various legal issues affecting older adults,...

Charges Against Real Estate Agents Dismissed

Victory Announcement: Attorneys James Beebe and James Goldsmith Secure Dismissal of Charges Against Licensed Real Estate Agents We are pleased to announce a significant legal victory achieved by Attorneys James Beebe and James Goldsmith of Mette Law. Representing two licensed real estate agents, our team defended against allegations brought by...

How Much Will My Insurance Go Up After an Accident?

Car accident victims have much more than medical bills and vehicle repairs to worry about following a collision. If you are in a car accident, besides having to pay for accident-related losses, your insurance premiums may increase. This will depend on your circumstances, including the crash’s severity, driving history, and...

What’s an Example of Negligence in a Car Accident?

Whether caused by distraction, fatigue, or a drunk driver, car accidents have one element in common: negligence. Defined as failing to use ordinary care in performing a task, negligence costs the lives of over 42,000 motorists annually. When you exhibit negligent behavior behind the wheel, someone is bound to pay...

How Do I Avoid Probate?

Probate is the process by which a person’s will is validated by the court, and a decedent’s property is distributed amongst heirs. This formal process can take several months to several years. Both expensive and time-consuming, there are ways that you can avoid probate, such as allowing your assets to...

Can I Sue the Auto Shop for Negligence?

While driver negligence is often the cause of car accidents, it isn’t the only cause. Suppose you can draw a direct line from the work an auto shop did on your vehicle to the damage you suffered in a traffic accident. In that case, you can file a car accident...

Auto Insurance Coverage in Pennsylvania

In 2022, the Keystone State reported 115,938 crashes, resulting in 67,012 people injured. Have you been injured in an automobile collision in Pennsylvania? Did your vehicle also sustain damage? If so, you deserve to be compensated for your damages, including those losses that affect your emotional well-being. If you recently...

Do I Need a Police Report to File an Insurance Claim?

A police report is unnecessary when filing an insurance claim or a personal injury lawsuit, such as if you were injured in a traffic accident caused by another motorist’s negligence. Having a police report can, however, help. If you find yourself in the difficult position of being injured by someone...

Differences Between Independent Contractors and Employees

As of 2023, roughly 16.5 million people, about 10.1% of the workforce, are self-employed. Independent contractors enjoy flexibility, allowing them to set their own hours and be their own boss. While people may marvel at the freedom that comes with being self-employed, being an independent contractor comes with some major...

Are Unpaid Internships Legal?

With roughly 47% of U.S. interns being unpaid each year, the Department of Labor has relaxed its rules on when an unpaid internship is allowed. In general, an unpaid internship is legal when the intern is a student or receiving academic credit. If the employer is getting the most benefit...

What is the FMLA?

If you are the primary caregiver for a loved one, you may be wondering if you are eligible to take time off work. Signed into law in 1993 by President Bill Clinton, FMLA allows workers to take maternity leave to care for a newborn, to take leave to care for...

What Does It Mean to Be an At-Will Employee?

The State of Pennsylvania is what’s known as an at-will state when it comes to employment, and this causes a lot of confusion for a lot of people. Very generally, this means that employers can fire employees at any time and for any reason – or for no reason at...

Damages Available in Personal Injury Cases

If you’ve been injured in an accident caused by someone else’s negligence, the losses you experience can be immense, and the road to recovery can be exceptionally long. By filing a personal injury claim against the at-fault party, you can seek compensation for a range of covered losses that address...

How Do I Know If I Am Entitled to Overtime?

If you are an employee who is paid by the hour, you are generally eligible for overtime pay anytime you work more than 40 hours in any given week. Because overtime pay comes in at 1.5 times more than your regular pay, it’s important to know when you’re entitled to...

How Long After an Accident Can You Claim Injury?

If you have been injured by someone else’s negligence, filing a personal injury claim allows you to pursue the compensation you need to effectively address your related physical, financial, and emotional losses. However, it’s important to know that the State of Pennsylvania – like every other state – imposes a...

The New Year Brings Increases in Salary Thresholds

The Labor/Employment Team at Mette wants to remind businesses that the threshold for administrative, executive, and professional exemptions under the FLSA rises on January 1, 2025 to $1,128 weekly/$58,656 annually. This change also apply to exemptions under the Pennsylvania Minimum Wage Act. The federal exemption for Highly Compensated Employees has...

What Is a Special Needs Trust?

A special needs trust is a trust document – or a right of property that is held by one party for the benefit of another – that is designed to provide a person with disabilities who is under the age of 65 with additional resources when they need them. Often,...

What is a Medicaid Lien?

When an individual receives benefits through Medicaid, a Medicaid lien may be placed on their home at some point if they still own a primary residence. While the home is exempt when it comes to their ability to qualify, it can be subject to a lien upon their death. Medicaid...

How Do I Know if I Have a Claim?

If you’ve been injured in an accident that you believe was caused by someone else’s negligence, it can leave you feeling very unsure about what comes next. While personal injury claims are legally challenging, the good news is that you may have a valid claim allowing you to pursue compensation...

Differences between SSI and SSDI

Both Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Income (SSDI) can help those with disabilities support themselves and their families, cover the cost of living and the necessities of life, and pay medical expenses, but they are distinct government programs. Understanding how SSI and SSDI differ from one another...

Dom Giovanniello appointed to the Township Board

Derry Township Appoints New Supervisor Download PDF HERSHEY, PA – Derry Township Supervisor E. Christopher Abruzzo stepped down from his post on the Board of Supervisors officially on September 24, 2024. In anticipation of his departure, the Board of Supervisors solicited applications from interested residents to fill the 14-month unexpired...

Differences Between Medicare and Medicaid

Whereas both government-funded programs cover medical costs, eligibility for both depends on different criteria. While Medicare is typically reliant on age, Medicaid eligibility is dependent on income. If you currently have coverage through either or are seeking coverage, you may be confused regarding what items each program covers. In this...

What Do Elder Law Lawyers Do?

With 57.8 million adults 65 years of age and older, elder law is an evolving field of practice. In broad terms, elder law encompasses offering legal guidance to senior adults and planning for special needs persons. Described in further detail, the field involves providing long-term care planning, estate planning, fiduciary...

What is a Power of Attorney?

When discussing estate planning, most people think of drafting a will or trust. However, part of estate planning involves planning while you are still alive. For an estate plan to be complete, you should execute a power of attorney. A power of attorney (POA) designates a person who will make...

Can you lose your professional license from a complaint in Pennsylvania?

YES! When your professional license is at risk in Pennsylvania—whether due to a misunderstanding, a false allegation, or a lapse in judgment—it’s essential to understand the gravity of the situation. A single complaint could potentially undo everything you’ve worked for. Pennsylvania’s licensing boards have considerable authority to impose disciplinary actions...

What Should I Do After My Bicycle Accident?

You are enjoying a pleasant bicycle ride when all of a sudden, a motorist strikes you. You stand up, notice that your thighs are bruised, your knees are scraped, and that you have a large cut on your cheek. Otherwise, you appear to be fine. With your adrenaline pumping, you...

Your business just got sued…now what?

Your business, the one you and your team have tirelessly built and maintained, has been sued. Now what? You’re not alone Over 99% of businesses in PA are classified as“small businesses”. Unfortunately, statistics also tell us that nearly 50% of these businesses are engaged in an active lawsuit in any...

What Should I Do If Someone Hits Me Who is Underinsured?

There are over 9.1 million licensed drivers in Pennsylvania, with an estimated 7.6 percent of those motorists driving uninsured. Although a troubling figure, thousands more drive underinsured. Underinsured drivers are a cause for concern, resulting in injured motorists not having access to the compensation they deserve. If you were hit...

How May an Employer Monitor Employees in the Workplace?

A recent study revealed that 80 percent of major companies monitor employees’ internet, phone, and email usage. Although companies want to gauge employee productivity, it does come with certain limitations. The standards for workplace surveillance are set by both federal and state laws, safeguarding employees’ rights. In this article, our...

What to do when your license is at risk because of a professional complaint?

Responding to Allegations of Professional Misconduct in Pennsylvania When facing allegations of error, misconduct, or negligence, licensed professionals in Pennsylvania must take the accusations seriously, as their licenses and reputations could be at stake. It’s crucial to understand the administrative process involved in professional license defense and hire competent representatives...

What is End-of-Life Care?

For those who have a terminal illness, spiritual and emotional support is just as important as physical support. Many individuals push off planning for end-of-life care. Sickness and death are a natural part of life. Although a difficult subject, it is important to begin discussing these challenging topics so that...

Driving a Lemon? Understanding PA’s Lemon Laws.

Buying a car involves trust. You’re not only relying on the car manufacturer but also on the dealer to sell you a vehicle that is in good, safe-to-drive condition. If this trust is broken, the consequences can be life-threatening. According to federal statistics, there were over 42,000 automobile deaths in...

How Do I Protect My Assets?

As of 2023, the United States is home to more than 33.1 million small businesses, employing 61.7 million Americans. As a business owner, you want to do everything you can to protect your hard-earned money. Individually, you want to make sure that real property, stocks, and other investments are protected....

How Do I Avoid Estate Taxes?

We all hope to be able to provide our children with a nest egg when we die. While building wealth is at the forefront of many people’s minds, it does come at a cost. While the Commonwealth does not have a separate estate tax for residents, estates of decedents with...

What is Elder Law?

Approximately 62 million people in the United States are over the age of 65-years-old, with this number projected to rise to 84 million by 2054. With such a large number of senior adults, elder law is increasing in demand with each passing year. Elder law encompasses the legal aspects of...

DOL Issues New Salary/Fee Requirements for Exemption from Overtime Employers: Check Your Compensation Schedules

The United States Department of Labor (“DOL”) issued a new salary test regulation for employees in the Executive, Administrative and Professional (“EAP”) classification in order to treat the employee as exempt from payment of overtime. The salary requirement was issued on April 23, 2024, with an effective date of July...

Two Iconic Harrisburg-Based Law Firms Merge

Mette, Evans & Woodside, SkarlatosZonarich LLC Merge to Become Mette HARRISBURG, Pa. (April 29, 2024) – Mette, Evans & Woodside and SkarlatosZonarich LLC, two iconic and dynamic Harrisburg law firms, today announced they are formally merging, effective immediately. The firm will retain the formal name Mette, Evans & Woodside, but...

Mette, Evans & Woodside Attorney Dominic Giovanniello Appointed as Pennsylvania Delegate to ABA Young Lawyers’ Division Assembly

January 29, 2024 – HARRISBURG, PA – Mette, Evans & Woodside is thrilled to announce that Attorney Dominic Giovanniello has been appointed as an Assembly Delegate to represent Pennsylvania at the American Bar Association’s (“ABA”) Young Lawyers’ Division Assembly during the ABA Mid-Year Meeting in February in Louisville, KY, and...

Attorney Aaron Martin’s First Amendment Win Against Bucks County DA, Gains Recognition

Attorney Aaron Martin of Mette, Evans & Woodside recently secured a permanent injunction on behalf of a client against the District Attorney of Bucks County, Pennsylvania. This case involves the Educator Discipline Act, a state law that controls how the Pennsylvania Department of Education investigates and prosecutes misconduct complaints against...

Attorney Aaron Martin Secures Permanent Injunction Against Bucks County District Attorney

Attorney Aaron Martin of the Harrisburg law firm of Mette, Evans & Woodside recently secured a permanent injunction on behalf of a client against the District Attorney of Bucks County, Pennsylvania. The injunction protects Mr. Martin’s client from criminal prosecution under a provision of Pennsylvania’s Educator Discipline Act. On January...

Southern Trust and Arbour National Announce Partnership and Significant Investment to Support Continued Growth

Shared from Business Wire. Mette Evans & Woodside Serves as Counsel to Southern Trust In its Partnership with Arbour National. June 27, 2023 MACON, Ga.–(BUSINESS WIRE)-Southern Trust Insurance, a provider of reliable coverage across the Southeast for over 50 years, today announced the signing of a definitive agreement for a...

How to Contest a Will and Win in PA

Losing a loved one is hard enough. All too often, on top of reeling from a tragic loss, the grief-stricken are also hurt and confused when they are left to wonder why they weren’t fairly included in the will – or worse, wholly omitted. Too often, the will reflects the...

October 17, 2022 – October 23, 2022 is National Estate Planning Awareness Week

HARRISBURG, PENNSYLVANIA – More than half of Americans, an estimated 56%, do not have an estate plan in place, making estate planning a critically overlooked component of financial wellness. This creates hardship, financial or otherwise, that can be diminished by advanced planning. National Estate Planning Awareness Week (H. Res. 1499)...

Mette, Evans & Woodside Serves As Counsel to Everett Cash Mutual In Insurance Company in its Acquisition of Farm, Ranch, and Esquire Renewal Business

Global Indemnity Group, LLC (NYSE:GBLI) (“GBLI”), recently announced that American Reliable Insurance Company (“ARIC”), a GBLI subsidiary, completed the disposition of ARIC’s Farm, Ranch, and Equine book of renewal business to Everett Cash Mutual. GBLI also announced that it agreed to sell ARIC to Everett Cash Mutual (ECM), which, subject...

Commonwealth Court Holds Prevailing Wage Does Not Apply to Conduit Financings

On August 4, 2022, the Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania overturned a June 2021 Pennsylvania Prevailing Wage Appeals Board decision that effectively applied prevailing wages to conduit-financed 501(c)(3) construction projects throughout the Commonwealth. In 2016, Ursinus College funded a campus construction project with bonds issued by the Montgomery County Higher Education...

Attorney Aaron Martin Secures Preliminary Injunction Against Pennsylvania Attorney General and York County District Attorney

May 18, 2022 Attorney Aaron Martin, a shareholder in the law firm of Mette, Evans & Woodside based in Harrisburg, PA, recently obtained a preliminary injunction against Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro and York County District Attorney David W. Sunday, Jr. The injunction was issued by the U.S. District Court...

R.E.D. Friday – Supporting our Troops

The staff and some of the attorneys are dressed in red to celebrate R.E.D. Friday, which means “Remember Everyone Deployed.” R.E.D. Friday was created to remind people of our heroes overseas and show that we are thinking of them. People across the country wear red every Friday to serve as...

Love Letters Liability

In a competitive seller’s market, potential buyers can be tempted to use anything to make their offer stand out. One way buyers attempt to set themselves apart is through what the real estate industry calls, love letters. What are buyer love letters? Buyer love letters are letters from potential buyers...

No Good Deed . . .

James L. Goldsmith, Esquire Ridiculous as it may be, some buyers and sellers hook-up without a Realtor®’s involvement. It may be then that you get a call for help. What would you charge to put a simple agreement of sale together covering all the terms the buyer and seller have...

Aaron Martin: Amicus Curiae for PA Realtors

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 6, 2020 Attorney Aaron Martin of Mette, Evans & Woodside has filed an amicus curiae (“friend of the court”) brief in the Pennsylvania Supreme Court on behalf of the Pennsylvania Association of Realtors® (“PAR”). The brief was filed as part of a broader case challenging several...

Planning for the End of LIBOR

While every participant in the financial markets knows that the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) is not guaranteed after 2021, few have taken steps to prepare for LIBOR’s end. Many variable rate notes are pegged to LIBOR as the reference rate; many notes executed today which reference LIBOR will nonetheless...

Mobile Deposit Patent Lawsuit

A United States District Court in Texas recently awarded United Services Automobile Association (“USAA”) a $102.8 million verdict against Wells Fargo in a mobile deposit patent lawsuit filed in August 2018. USAA alleged that the mobile deposit capture technology used by Wells Fargo infringed on USAA’s patent held in the...

In Memoriam Howell C. Mette

Mr. Mette celebrating his 90th birthday Founder Howell Mette It is with great sadness that Mette, Evans & Woodside announces that Howell Mette passed away on Saturday, January 11, 2020 at the age of 91. Howell was one of the founders of our firm 50 years ago, an outstanding practitioner,...

The Basics of Title Insurance

For many farmers, the winter is a time of reflection on the prior year’s yield and preparation for the growing season ahead. This reflection and preparation phase might involve thoughts of expansion for the upcoming year, whether through the purchase of assets from an older generation as part of the...

New Salary Threshold For Exempt Employees

Effective January 1, 2020 , the salary level for an employee to qualify for the white-collar exemption of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) has been raised from $455 per week to $684 per week ($35,568 per year). To be exempt from overtime under the white-collar exemptions, employees must: be...

Married Or Soon To Be?

By: Kathryn Lease Simpson If you are headed down the aisle or have recently taken that trip, marriage may mean more than just a name change or a change of address. Real Estate: Changing deeds of previously owned property to “tenants by the entireties” a category only available to married...

Employee Handbook Mistakes

by Kathryn Simpson As a business owner, you probably have an employee handbook (or manual). It may have been drafted by an attorney or perhaps an employee downloaded a template from the internet and adapted it to your situation. Whatever the source or whenever it was done, now is the...

Real Estate Seller Disclosure Law

A Checklist of Issues that a Listing Agent Should Review with Their Seller By: James L. Goldsmith, Esquire The disclosure of a home’s material defects didn’t begin with passage of the Real Estate Seller Disclosure Law (“RESDL”). Pennsylvania common law has long required that sellers disclose latent and material defects....

Herbruck’s Celebrates Groundbreaking!

Herbruck’s Poultry Ranch broke ground on a $100 million cage-free egg-laying facility in Franklin County. The Herbruck’s facility in Montgomery Township will feature 8 barns. Herbruck’s will use an innovative manure handling technology that processes hen litter into organic fertilizer on site, which will reduce odor, eliminate flies and provide...

Untimely Repairs

PART ONE By: James L. Goldsmith, Esq. It happens. Sellers agree to make repairs suggested by a home inspection, but fail to complete the job timely. When this happens a buyer is faced, unfairly, with proceeding under a contingent plan (e.g., having repairs made post-settlement or taking cash in lieu...

Attend Inspections

PART TWO By: James L. Goldsmith, Esq. Who, if anyone, should attend home inspections has been a topic of debate for as long as home inspections have been a standard element in a residential transaction. Year ago when the topic came up at an NAR meeting of attorneys who represented...

Matthew D. Coble Joins Mette, Evans & Woodside

Mette, Evans & Woodside announced that attorney Matt Coble has joined the firm as shareholder. Matt represents insurance companies, fraternal benefit societies, insurance producers (individuals and agents), reinsurers, third party administrators, and others in connection with various insurance regulatory, transactional, and litigation matters. In connection with his insurance industry related...

What if?

By: James L. Goldsmith, Esq. These two words are the start of many questions by those who draft contracts, including agreements for the sale of real estate. Consider Paragraph 18 of the PAR standard agreement entitled Maintenance and Risk of Loss. This paragraph was borne of the following “what ifs?”...

Working Outside of the Box

Brokers Need to be Aware of Potential Risk When Real Estate Salespeople Have Second Jobs Real estate salespersons often have second jobs. Should a broker care? All in unison: “it depends.” Issues relating to profitability and productivity of a salesperson aside, a broker has reason to be concerned when a...

Working Inside the Box – Establishing the Box

Real Estate Sales People Need to Understand Their Broker Agreement What is your agreement with your broker? A recurring question to the Hotline is “what is my broker’s obligation to pay me when I have pending transactions at the time I affiliate with a new broker?” There are many similar...

Deposits – Too Little, Too Late

Real Estate Purchase Deposits To state that the typical deposit is too low an amount and that it is paid later than should be is not an overstatement. The purchase deposit, which is referred to as “initial deposit” in the Agreement of Sale, is paid within five days of execution....

Getting Creative

By James L. Goldsmith, Esquire The most dangerous clause in the_Standard Agreement for the Sale of Real Estate (ASR)is found in our current Paragraph 32(B), Additional Terms. Here’s where agents can let loose with the most creative use of the pen imaginable! A problem is, that when these works of...

Fessing Up

Recommendations On How Agents Should Handle Missed Agreement Deadlines by James L. Goldsmith, Esquire Of the common mistakes in residential sales, none occurs more frequently than the failure to abide by timelines, specifically those found in the inspection contingencies. If there is a time limit, someone will miss it. In...

What’s the Biggest Mistake a Licensed Professional Can Make, When Faced with a State Board Investigation Notice?

By: James Goldsmith. Esq. Responding on your own to a licensing investigation or meeting with the board investigator, without legal representation, is one of the biggest mistakes a licensed professional can make when faced with an investigation notice from the state board. If you receive an investigation notice from the...

A Tip from the West?

by James L. Goldsmith, Esq. Timely tender of deposit checks is a growing problem that did not exist when offers and deposit checks were hand delivered. Now, deposit checks follow an offer’s acceptance by a handful of days. Further, a typical agreement includes a checkmark in Paragraph 26(G) limiting the...

A Question of Coverage

by James L. Goldsmith, Esq. Mistakes happen. Consider the case of listing agent Robert. Robert happened to be on vacation when he received an offer at list price. He reviewed the standard form on his cell phone and reported to the sellers that it looked great. The agreement was executed...

The Superior Court Recently Ruled on Two Issues Under the Real Estate Seller Disclosure Law that Realtors® Should be Aware of

The first question decided by the court was whether the seller was liable for failing to deliver a Property Disclosure Statement, where the agreement included an “as is” clause. The second question was what constitutes “actual damages” as the term is used in the Real Estate Seller Disclosure Law (RESDL)...

Expletive Deleted

By James L. Goldsmith, Esq. In news and other articles, another’s profanity is frequently replaced with “expletive deleted.” Some use the term in self-censorship. More often, we just let the expletives fly. At that moment it might feel quite good to do so; upon reflection, not so good. Realtors® hold...

Mette, Evans & Woodside Hosts Inns of Court Conference

Mette, Evans & Woodside hosted a conference for local Inns of Court leaders in June 2018 at its office. The “Summit” was conducted by Ernest J. Barrens, Director of Chapter Relations for the American Inns of Court. Mr. Barrens led discussions about recruiting members for the local Inns and program...

Protecting Your LLC as the Sole Member

By Timothy A. Hoy, Esq. A: First, you should understand Pennsylvania law on the effect of your death on the limited liability company (LLC). Unless you have an operating agreement for the company which says something different, the law provides that the company will cease to exist within 180 days...

What’s the Follow-Up?

Home Inspection Contingency Periods By James L. Goldsmith, Esq. The buyers entered an agreement to purchase a property with an external insulation finish system known as Dryvit. Upon inspection of the Dryvit, the report noted a few areas that were suspect for some moisture infiltration. The buyers decided to submit...

There’s a New I-9 in Town

Starting on September 18, 2017, all employers will be required to have completed a new I-9 Form for every NEW employee. However, you can start using the new form immediately. Form I-9 is used for verifying the identity and employment authorization of individuals hired for employment in the United States....

Agricultural Production Contracts

By: Melanie L. Vanderau, Esquire The use of formal contracts in agricultural production, including crop growing and livestock production arrangements, has been on the rise in recent years. If you find yourself wondering whether it’s worth it to have a formal agreement in place in a production relationship, remember that...

Victoria P. Edwards Joins Mette, Evans & Woodside as Associate

Mette, Evans & Woodside is pleased to announce that Attorney Victoria P. Edwards has joined the law firm. Ms. Edwards’ practice focuses in workers’ compensation and social security disability matters. Prior to joining Mette, Evans & Woodside, she practiced with several law firms in Central Pennsylvania. She is certified as...

Kathryn Simpson Named Super Lawyer

Eighth Year That Mette, Evans & Woodside Attorney Is Honored Kathryn L. Simpson, an attorney with Mette, Evans & Woodside, was named as one of the top attorneys in Pennsylvania by Super Lawyers. The Super Lawyers honor is reserved for attorneys who exhibit excellence in their legal practice. Only five...

Access to Landlocked Property

For a property owner whose property does not adjoin a public road and does not have access either through an express access easement or by legal implication, Pennsylvania’s Private Road Act (the “Act”) offered the landlocked property owner a remedy. What Does Landlocked Mean? So, what does landlocked mean? Since...

Jacob H. Kiessling Joins Mette, Evans & Woodside

The law firm of Mette, Evans & Woodside is pleased to announce that Attorney Jacob H. Kiessling has joined the practice. Mr. Kiessling focuses his legal practice in the areas of business planning, real estate, and estate planning. Mr. Kiessling joined Mette, Evans & Woodside after graduating from the University...

Will Your Business Be a Victim of Cybersquatting?

The protection of your company’s online identity is more important than ever before. You need a unique presence to maximize business from online inquiries. Because of the value of a business’s online presence, dishonest competitors will sometimes attempt to improperly divert online search results through “cybersquatting.” Cybersquatting occurs when a...

Stacking Coverage Limits

by Thomas A. Archer This is the third in a series of three articles dealing with some of the major decisions facing automobile insurance consumers when buying their car insurance. The first two topics dealt with limited vs. full tort and underinsured/uninsured motorist coverage. The takeaway from the first two...

Underinsured Motorist Coverage

Are You Underinsured? The minimum amount of liability insurance coverage required to satisfy Pennsylvania’s Financial Responsibility law is $15,000 for bodily injury to, or death of, one (1) person in any one (1) accident and $30,000 for bodily injury to, or death of, two (2) or more persons in any...

Don’t Give Up Your Right to Full Tort Protection

Making Decisions About Car Insurance? by Thomas A. Archer There are few more disappointing conversations that I’ve had to have with clients than letting them know they cannot recover their losses caused by another driver in a motor vehicle collision because the client has selected the “limited tort” option on...

Employer Service Provider Security Breach

What should you do in the event of notification by your employer that a service provider to your company has notified its clients that the service provider’s client files were accessed by unauthorized persons? There have been a number of recent media articles on this subject and some recommendations on...

Flood Insurance Reform Act

Homeowners in flood prone areas will face increases in flood insurance premiums under provisions in the Biggert–Waters Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2012 (the “Act”), certain provisions of which went into effect October 1, 2013. For homeowners in designated areas, the National Flood Insurance Program provided federal subsidies for flood...

Do You Have a Legal Wellness Program?

by Kathryn Simpson Health wellness programs are becoming increasingly popular. Today, most people, if not directly participating in one, are at least familiar with the concept. Companies sponsor wellness programs for a number of reasons including lowering operating costs, helping employees avoid major issues and improving overall workforce performance. Recently,...

PA Home Improvement Consumer Protection Act

OVERVIEW OF THE PENNSYLVANIA HOME IMPROVEMENT CONSUMER PROTECTION ACT, 73 P.S. §§ 517.1-517.19 Who is a Contractor? Any person who owns and operates a home improvement business or who undertakes, offers to undertake or agrees to perform any home improvement. The term includes a subcontractor or independent contractor who has...

Contractor Guidelines

The Pennsylvania Home Improvement Consumer Protection Act is designed to protect homeowners from unscrupulous contractors and to establish penalties against contractors who violate the Act. A year later, some legitimate contractors still do not know the requirements of the Act or whether they are violating the Act in the way...