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Do I Need a Police Report to File an Insurance Claim?

A police report is unnecessary when filing an insurance claim or a personal injury lawsuit, such as if you were injured in a traffic accident caused by another motorist’s negligence. Having a police report can, however, help. If you find yourself in the difficult position of being injured by someone else’s carelessness, an experienced Harrisburg personal injury attorney is on your side and well-prepared to help.

If You’re Involved in a Traffic Accident

In Pennsylvania, you’re required to call the police in the event of a traffic accident whenever one of the following applies:

In all other circumstances, motorists must file written reports with the police department.

If You Didn’t Call the Police

Being involved in a car accident caused by another driver can leave you feeling confused at best. The adrenaline rush and shock that many accident victims experience can interfere with their ability to make well-considered decisions, which can include failing to notify the authorities. 

Suppose you didn’t call the police after a car accident but later recognized that you probably should have. In that case, it doesn’t mean you can’t pursue the compensation you’re entitled to by filing a claim with the at-fault driver’s insurance provider. It does, however, mean that this primary form of evidence will be missing.

Building Your Strongest Claim

Your car accident claim will be based on evidence, and while a police report can play an important role, it is by no means the only form of evidence that matters. Strong claims generally incorporate a wide range of evidence that includes examples like the following:

The more evidence you have that demonstrates the other party’s negligence, the stronger your claim will be, and a formidable personal injury lawyer can help you with that.

Discuss Your Claim with an Experienced Harrisburg, PA, Personal Injury Attorney Today

The reliable Harrisburg personal injury attorneys at Mette Attorneys at Law are well equipped to gather all the available evidence in your case – whether it includes a police report – in zealous pursuit of the compensation you’re entitled to and need to address your losses adequately. Our dedicated legal team encourages you to reach out and contact us online or call 717-231-5219 for more information about what we can do to help you today.