Professional Licensure Defense
Protecting your professional license in good standing is critical to your financial well-being and maintaining your hard-earned reputation. When your ability to practice your profession is threatened by licensure issues, you need an attorney who is well-versed in professional licensure. The attorneys at Mette, Evans & Woodside provide vigorous licensure defense to all types of professional service providers including:
- Physicians
- Nurses
- Podiatrists
- Dentists
- Psychologists and
- Psychiatrists
- Optometrists
- Pharmacists
- Chiropractors
- Occupational Therapists
- Real Estate Brokers & Appraisers
- Attorneys
- Funeral Directors
- Accountants
- Engineers & Architects
- Veterinarians
- Social workers
The laws and regulations surrounding Pennsylvania’s professional licensure is complex and can widely vary from one profession to another. Our attorneys have an in-depth understanding of professional licensing and provide experienced representation. From a wide range of issues, from representation at administrative hearings to complaint investigations and disciplinary actions we guide clients through each step of the process to protect their professional licenses.
What To Do If You Have Received An Investigation Notice
If you receive an investigation notice from the state’s professional licensing board, contact Mette, Evans & Woodside immediately. Our attorneys are knowledgeable in professional license defense and very familiar with state licensing boards and the disciplinary process. Responding on your own or meeting with the board investigator, without legal representation, can adversely impact the outcome and put your professional license and livelihood in peril.
In our experience, when we are consulted first, we are able to increase the likelihood of a resolution in the best possible terms for our clients.
- Obtaining Professional Licenses
- License Investigations
- Disciplinary Actions
- Denial of License
- Complaint Investigation
- Impaired Provider Program
- License Suspension or Revocation
- Administrative Proceedings
- Appealing Decisions
Professional Licensure Attorneys
James L. Goldsmith
Kathryn Lease Simpson
Geographic Regions Served
Harrisburg • Lancaster • York • Philadelphia • Pittsburgh • State College • Altoona • New Jersey