Will Attorney

last will and testament

Will Attorney

The prospect of dividing your estate after your death isn’t easy to confront – but sorting it out sooner rather than later is so important. Not only does proper planning bring you peace of mind, but it also ensures that your estate will pass to those you wish to benefit from your life’s work.

The estate planning team at Mette, Evans & Woodside is ready to help. We’ll ensure that your assets go where you want them and help you prepare for every eventuality through your will.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation.

What is a Will?

A will, or last will and testament, is a legal document that divides up your estate after you’ve passed away. It also names your executor, who is the person to administer and manage your estate. A will can also name a legal guardian for minor children or a trustee to manage a trust for their benefit. Your will provides for the transfer of your probate estate. Probate assets constitute your estate.

“Estate” is a comfortingly simple term but listing the funds and assets it describes can be a detailed task. This is why it’s best to work with our qualified will attorney team. We can help you understand your assets, describe them using appropriate language, and help you divide them among your beneficiaries.

Making a Will

Wills have certain legal requirements in order to be admitted to probate by the Court. Some people are unaware that wills are just one of several documents that you should draft to fully protect your assets. Besides the will, you’ll need to prepare power of attorney, both for health care and for property management, and consider creating an “advanced directive” or “living will to advise on your end-of-life preferences should you should become incapacitated.

Estate planning documents should all be drafted and signed with the assistance of a qualified attorney. This ensures that all outcomes have been considered and that the documents have been prepared in a way compliant with state law, and that they will be honored when presented to the court, or a financial or healthcare institution.

If you wish to provide assets to charitable entities or create trusts, that is no problem when you work with our team. We’ll help you apportion your estate in a manner that you understand the taxation and control the flow of your assets as you intend.

Appointing Power of Attorney

Appointing an agent under your Power of Attorney for Property Management means giving a trusted person authority over your assets and affairs if you become incapacitated. This is often a spouse, a sibling, or an adult child, but can also be a trusted friend or professional. Appointing a power of attorney for health care management means giving a trusted party control over your health care decisions and treatment in the event you cannot speak for yourself.

This decision should be made with your attorney. Our team can help you draft the paperwork and ensure your estate is in capable hands.

Living Wills

Also known as advanced directives, living wills let you memorialize your wishes to manage your own healthcare and treatment options if you’re incapacitated and suffering from an end-stage medical diagnosis.

Our team can help you through this process to incorporate your values, beliefs, and goals for customized end-of-life decision-making.

Get in Touch

The team at Mette, Evans & Woodside can help you understand what role different estate planning documents play and how to draft yours to achieve your goals. Don’t delay – protect your estate and your loved ones by contacting our team today.

Schedule a consultation now.

Estates & Trusts Attorneys

John A. Feichtel
Ronald L. Finck
Dominic V. Giovanniello
Aaron D. Martin
Hannah White-Gibson

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Harrisburg • Lancaster • York • Philadelphia • Pittsburgh • State College • Altoona • New Jersey