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Will Your Business Be a Victim of Cybersquatting?


The protection of your company’s online identity is more important than ever before. You need a unique presence to maximize business from online inquiries. Because of the value of a business’s online presence, dishonest competitors will sometimes attempt to improperly divert online search results through “cybersquatting.”

Cybersquatting occurs when a business unrelated to yours improperly uses your business name or mark to market itself online to your detriment. It often takes the form of the registration of a domain name that is confusingly similar to yours.

The Anticybersquatting Consumer Protection Act provides powerful remedies for the bad faith misappropriation of domain names. Remedies can include an injunction to stop the offending action, damages and attorney’s fees. Other laws protect against other forms of online deceptive and confusing advertising.

When cybersquatting occurs, aggressive legal action to stop the practice can help protect a company’s online presence. Experienced legal counsel in this area can help restore a level online playing field and allow a company’s honest online marketing efforts to succeed.