Telecommunications Lawyer Harrisburg, PA


Telecommunication Law

The Telecommunications attorneys at Mette, Evans & Woodside have represented major wireless telecommunications carriers for more than a decade. Clients including AT&T, Verizon, Sprint, Cingular, T-Mobile, Alltel, 360 Communications, Cellular One, and Shentel PCS, as well as others throughout Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Northern Virginia have benefitted from our long term relationships with local municipalities and our decades of experience negotiating with municipal solicitors.

We work closely with engineers and ensure prompt review and expeditious municipal approval of plans. Our attorneys are proficient in designing, negotiating and evaluating transactional documents for telecommunications facilities and sites.

  • Site Acquisition
  • Title Research and Examination
  • Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance/Analysis/Advice
  • Zoning Ordinance Analysis
  • Environmental Evaluations
  • Permit Applications

Geographic Regions Served

Harrisburg • Lancaster • York • Philadelphia • Pittsburgh • State College • Altoona • New Jersey

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