Should I Be Concerned about Using Online Legal Forms for My Business?
Tom Archer was featured in the Ask A Lawyer section of a recent issue of the Central Penn Business Journal. His comments focused on the pitfalls of using online legal documents.
The Effect of the DOMA Decision on Estate Planning in Pennsylvania
The United States Supreme Court declared that the federal government must honor a state’s decision giving same-sex couples the right to marry and that not recognizing such marriages was a violation of basic due process and equal protection principles.
Do You Have a Legal Wellness Program?
Clients who voluntarily “enroll” themselves in legal wellness programs and proactively monitor and attend to things before they become problems realize the same benefits of lower cost risks, avoiding major issues and improving overall legal health.
Legal Wellness Checkup – Form I-9
When you hire a new employee, be sure to complete all the legal requirements for the hiring process by filling out Form I-9.
Flood Insurance Reform Act
Homeowners in flood prone areas will face increases in flood insurance premiums under provisions in the Biggert–Waters Flood Insurance Reform Act, certain provisions of which went into effect in 2013.
The Perils of Joint Bank Accounts
There are several risks involved when adding another person to a bank account, before creating a joint bank account, one should be aware of some of the potential consequences.
PA Home Improvement Consumer Protection Act
The new Act requires home-improvement contractors to register with the state and include standard information and terms in their contracts.
Protecting Your Electronic Communication Privacy
Anyone who has had an appointment with a health care provider in the past nine years is familiar with the privacy policies that protect their health information.
Oil and Gas Act – Municipal Zoning Limitations
The Unconventional Gas Well Impact Fee Act among other matters required municipalities to amend their land use ordinances to allow unconventional gas wells which are used to extract natural gas in nearly every zoning district.
Contractor Guidelines
The Pennsylvania Home Improvement Consumer Protection Act is designed to protect homeowners from unscrupulous contractors and to establish penalties against contractors who violate the Act.
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